Friday, November 20, 2009

MTC Imagined Star ships discover adventure

The MTCs’ imaginary space ships statistics and correction to earlier typos. TR is 1to 6
Turning Ratio (TR) Coefficient of
Space station 160 spaceship structure points (ssp) TR 1 CA 1
Carriers 140 ssp TR 3 CA 2
Battleships 120 ssp TR 4 CA 2
Clippers 100 ssp TR 5 CA 7
Zephyrs *80 ssp TR 4 CA 5
Flight cruisers 60 ssp TR 4 CA 3
Fighters 40 ssp TR 4 CA 8
Sky cars 20 ssp TR 3 CA between3 and 1
*(Larger cargo ships trading ship passenger liners ect…)

Thursday, November 19, 2009

A Station in Space were space combat began

Ship to Ship Combat in 128xJ11 Game
(This game works best with a Ref)

Station Zebrex 10

Coeficient of Acceleration (CA) 1
Turning Rate (TR) 1

Weapons Range 10,000 km
Thunder Bolt Laser 20
Ion Jx3 Maser Beam Unit 7
10 Vesron 33J11 Rockets 5
5 Zortos 511A Torpedoes 10
2 robot ship probes 3 units of fuel range 2 quadrants

8 docking bays
4 shuttle and ship bay levels

Space station 160 spaceship structure points (ssp)
Carriers 140 ssp
Battleships 120 ssp
Clipers 100 ssp
Zephers *80 ssp
Flight cruisers 60 ssp
Fighters 40 ssp
Sky car 20 ssp
*( larger cargo ships trading ships passenger liners)

Universal Rules of Engagement in outer space

1. Ships too distant to engage cannot engage in combat.
2. All ships even pirate and evil alien ships must identify themselves when called to do so over open space if able at all to communicate otherwise they must allow themselves to be destroyed or be taken prisoner.
3. All star ships will not fire on any other ship unless fired upon, unless an open state of war exists between pirates and evil space aliens.
4. All evil space alien and pirate vessels will break rule number 3
5. A starship is free to retreat when fired upon once out of a quadrant it is not a fair target.
6. Evil Space Aliens and pirates will take pot shots at star ships fleeing a quadrant.
Combat Sequence
Int Roll (1d100) Push the random number button on your calculator and multiply by 100 do this for side A and side B or as many sides as there are whichever side is higher gets the initiative and gets to go first. They will all go in order highest to the lowest in order of Initiative values no ties the first one to roll the number of a tie goes before the next.
Let say A comes up 77 and B comes up 35 A the side selects a defense or weapon from its page or sheet or card or whatever your keeping your records on. Then side A declares what other action he/she is taking.
Then side B selects a weapon or defense.
Then side B declares what other actions he/she is taking. Then side B declares what other action he/she is taking. Note to Refs You must resolve the modifiers between the defenses and the weapons if any and then push the random button on the calculator and multiplying by 100 again and if any hit there targets. Then you calculate the damage by pushing the button on your random calculator and multiplying by 10 and adding it together for as many times as the number before the d10 says.
Then you repeat into the next round until one or the other starship breaks off the attack or is destroyed or captured.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Just something I thought I might mention

An observation
By Michael Murtaugh
It would seem that any country supplying the Tali Bane weather be it Red China or Russia or whoever would be doing something utterly ridicules because they would have to fight them next.