Monday, September 27, 2010

X7 Style

The style Of Xavier 7-1T
Of the ages and times and particular styles of science fiction this is no more then an attempt at a simple Space Opera were the reader is invited to participate fully in the game of invention and adventure to the fullest. Going to the last corner of the galaxy of the universe of their imagination within the limitations of the boundaries set only by themselves, except perhaps a few percentage point number rules to maintain balance. As it says on the cover of the book “X7Z6XPSRNC “It’s Science Fiction Man!” Xavier 7-1T” nothing states more clearly the intent of the book. True the stories do end abruptly, however this is intended to add to suspense and to add a degree of excitement to the book. Its your adventure as much as it is mine enjoy you are my readers. The best to you all as you adventure in the outer Space the frontier rim of the Outer planets the galaxy. The Utility crews will have the power on for you when you get home to earth hopefully and all will be well. Enjoy the book who knows maybe you could even get a job working on some kind of utility truck wouldn’t that be neat. Go for it! This jobs not for everyone of course.Love you all, Big hugs all around!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Dress UP Parties for Fall

Let hear it for Dress Up!
Have a Happy and safe Halloween this year. You might want to consider having a costume party, a little earlier in the year as the temperature always seems, to be colder on Halloween then any other day. So, plan ahead and have a party before hand it can be a lot of fun in the warmer weather, before it is so cold. You don’t have to dress, as evil monsters, all the time you can dress as your favorite super heroes for a change if you think about it. Or better yet a science fiction character! How about that! Big hugs all around, Love you all!