BY Michael J. Murtaugh
128xj11 Role playing Game
This is a role playing game there is a Game Guide who basically tells a story happens in the game that determines alternative out comes for the players. When something significant comes up, in the game in such as an encounter the outcome is determined through a random determination or dice roll or random determination on any scientific calculator. You can roll two ten sided dice to make this determination with a rough estimate of outcome the game guide determines from 1 to 100 anything below the estimate the game guide set, means the outcome occurred in the game. This may or may not effect the story line based on the Game Guide’s determination. The Game Guide should keep the game balanced so it is fun.
This does not have to be set in stone.
With a calculator
Energy = Shift Random number key * 100
Vitality = shift Random Number key * 100
Mental Status = Shift random Number Key * 100 feel free to do this one over again as many times as you like.
Structure points = Shift random number key * 100
Then you create your character sheet
Player Name Loyde Clark Character Name Zan
Energy 80.3
Vit 73.2
MS 87.9
SP 73.2
Vit/10=Movement Movement =7.3 per turn per second per turn round a round can be a second a day a year a century. In the game time can stand still.
You can create and roll with in these character traits or you can create your own you can create you own modifiers adjust percentages.
If Zan was walking in his game world he might move 7 kilometers an hour in 9 hours straight walking he would manage 63 kilometers. That journey time could pass in only a minute in the actual game. What might he run into in his journey that is up to you. Remember though a character must place a roll within its percentage limitation or modified roll as set by the GM or it must make a critical miss or hit a roll of 99.00 always being a critical miss and a roll of 00 always being a critical hit.
An easy device to remember the traits in the Mind Bot Role playing Game is to place Energy second. V. E. M. S. S.P. is the word you can remember to remind you of Vitality, Energy, Mental Status, and Structure Points.
Mind bot characters Combat
I really don’t like to do this, but I guess it has to be done at some point combat for the Mind bot role-playing game. Well obviously mind bot role-playing game is an easy going game so the idea is to avoid combat at all cost.
However if it does come up here is an example:
A Zertron monster attacks Dwelx. All effort to communicate have failed and it is still attacking. Dwelx waives it off, but it is still showing its fangs.
Now begins the first round since there is no randomization for surprise which the Zetron would randomize 1 to 100 for and so would Dwelx the higher number would go first Dwelx has a 70 and the Zentron has 40
Dwelx randomizes a 35and the Zentron a 55 so the Zetron doesn’t do anything in the first round.
The player playing Dwelx tells the referee he is upholstering his laser pistol. That will take a full round.
They randomize for initiative again the Zetron randomizes 60 and Dwelx randomized 58
Dwelx still has the initiative. The Zertron Monster is still showing its fangs and snarling terribly.
The player playing Dwelx tells the referee he will shoot the Zetron monster he is at near point blank range so there are no modifiers.
He fires he randomizes a 65
He of course has his weapon set to stun. He then randomizes his 2d10 and its 18 of course this is only temporary to the Zetron. The referee says “O.K. It has been stunned it goes away.”
A Referee can decide weather to use Structure Points only or all the traits before the end of a player career as that particular character. Even then the character can be redeveloped.
Combat Chart
System Defense Damage
None Fields
Thunder Bolt Laser 80% 60% 2d10
Cubic Ballistic Unit 75% 60% 1d10
Ion Jx3 Maser Beam Unit 60% 50% 1d10
Vortex Capacitor c3 Laser 65% 50% 1d10
Zortos 511A Torpedo 60% 40% 4d10
Vesron 33JL11 Rocket 50% 40% 2d10
1 Field Parsec Mine 50% 30% 2d10
Robot Ship Probe * As specified
Add modifiers for crews aboard ships as specified by referee.
There is a –10 modifier if a field is configured.
In 10,000 kilometer
Thunder Bolt Laser 20
Cubic Ballistic Unit 7
Ion Jx3 Maser Beam Unit 10
Vortex Capacitor c3 Laser 8
Zortos 511A Torpedo 10
Vesron 33JL11 Rocket 5
1 Field Parsec Mine 0 area of effect 10,000^2 kilometers *
Robot Ship Probe virtually unlimited, based on fuel
Yes a parsec mine does not effect a entire parsec of space that much but it is placed in one and its immediate effect is within 10,000^2 kilometers of space.
Use your imagination to come up with crew and ship scenarios that make the game interesting everything can be played on computer now days but if you want to relax and enjoy a game with a referee and some friends Mutual agreed upon modifiers and randomization’s work best.
X7Z6XPSRNC “It’s Science Fiction Man!”
Xavier 7-1T
By Michael Murtaugh B.A. A.A A.S
Travel with alien creatures to alien worlds! Face annihilation and survive! Travel to distant worlds and play poker on an asteroid. Find out what the stakes really are! And then come home again but to what? Find out when you read the book. In paperback under most Sci fi sections.
The Stones of the Golem
By Michael J. Murtaugh
The MTC Valor went into orbit around planet Critron 2 after coming out of deep space.
Critron 2 had been unexplored. It had two oceans was orbiting a yellow earth type sun and had forest jungle and animal and plant life.
To the crew of the MTC valor the planet Critron 2 was simply something pretty to look out the window on an otherwise long journey to the C delta 5 system.
Suddenly all at once Mark Von the engineer rushed to the bridge holding a damaged piece of equipment in his hand.
“We have here a real problem”
“What’s this”
“The engine it’s going to over heat”
“We’re going in”
“What how long”
“Two minutes”
“Two minutes!”
Captain Michael Ironstone looked at his second in command Dave Jones.
Dave Jones Said, “Don’t say it, Don’t say it!”
Dave Jones pushed a button for the ship to ship PA and announced, “Brace for possible crash landing on planet in 2 minutes”
The computer guided the ship through re-entry O.K. but finding a place to land that was another matter. They nearly ran out of power before they did.
They landed in a stadium of enormous construction about 3 km by 3km . they surmized by examination that a great civilization must have built it.
“Who do you think built it Doc”
“Well there are no large cities or villages we could spot from outer space unless they are underground we don’t know how it was built”
Sandra the nurse “that seems strange way to live underground and only coming up to build a stadium”
“Yeah Doc Maybe there are other things the royal conservatory of astronomy missed out on but you already don’t know about those either I suppose.”
“I suppose”
“Like this stadium itself for example”
They looked around at the stadium its art its gleaming marble columns.
“Mark what is it exactly you need to repair the engine?”
“Well I need some H two O and some nickel”
“That’s all.”
“Don’t we have those on the ship”
“Yes but not enough”
As they reached the forward area of the stadium there was a statue of a man 75 m tall.
“What is that statue doctor?”
“Oh that looks like a different sign of humanoid life.”
“It must have been one of there ancient gods”
“Well whatever it is were not interested in it”
Sandra “Well I don’t like it”
“O.K. O.K.”
“Let’s get get what we need and get out of here!”
“All the men turned their back on the statue and then the statue moved its hand.
“Ahh!” Sandra cried “I saw it move!”
“Now don’t be silly”
“That things made of stone”
“It’s obvious your nervous we all are.”
“Lets go”
“Let’s Move out”
“No No”
“Snap out of it.”
“Come On!”
Now they were out in the woods and the stadium behind them. They found a running stream with ease and Mark Von was able to and Mark Von was able to find deposit of nickel in something rather quickly.
“I’ve got it!” Mark Von shouted gleefully, just then the sound of a dull thud. The sound of foot steps thundering trough the woods. Giant footsteps sounded with the sound of trees falling in the woods and cracking as they fell.
“Let’s get out of here now!”
“So I was a hysterical woman!”
“O.K. I apologize…”
“Me too”
“Me too”
“Me three”
“Me four”
“OH forget it! Hand me that laser rifle!”
“Alright give Sandra the laser rifle! All laser weapons set to kill whatever it is out there its bigger then us and it and it will be able to absorb a lot more energy then our weapons emit on kill or on any other level.”
“Well that was well said captain but it’s not very comforting right now!”
“If we stun or disable this thing long enough to make our escape then we will have done enough not to have disturbed the balance of this planet.”
“What if we kill it?
“What the Hell then we kill it!”
The stone statue was hunting them but being pretty good frontiersmen themselves with a good frontiers women guiding them they were able to set a trap for the stone statue. The Stone statue came to the clearing they all had their lasers out and ready the statue was ready to strike. Everyone froze seeing the size of it in the small clearing. It smashed down its huge hand and reached for Sandra.
Dave Shouted “No!” and lunged forward
“No! Dave” everyone yelled. Sandra shouted the loudest.
None of them could pull the trigger, Even Sandra who kept rifle set on the head of the statue. Slowly after long moments past they were able to squeeze their triggers and destroy the monster, but not until Dave was nearly crushed. He broke his arm and cracked three ribs. He bumped his head real hard when he fell out of the monsters hand.
“Your going to be O.K. Dave “ Sandra said
“Yes I know I will be….”
“ But what of the Stones of the Golem was it a Guardian of the Critron 2
for who should ever know what civilization dwelt there or walked upon its planes or in its meadows
was it evil or were we meddlers in a world we weren’t meant to go. Will the Stones of the Golem ever tell?”
With that the MTC Valor lifted of into the vast ocean of space.
MTC Valor
Flight Cruiser
Coefficient of Acceleration (CA) 3
Turning Rate (TR) 4
Thunder Bolt Laser TBL
Cubic Ballistic Unit CBU
Standard Life Support
Computer AI Artificial Intelligence
Defense Shields MTC type Fields configured
Engines Vegan 2 special design class 1 super atomic
Captain Mike Ironstone
Lieutenant Dave Jones
Sergeant Engineer Mark Von
Dr. Kieth Sutton
Nurse Sandra Cole
Robot Unit Troy 748 MTC supplied
Captain Mike Ironstone
Vitality 70
Energy 90
Mental Status 60
Structure Points 90
MV 7 PT 7 PR 7
Weapon Laser pistol + 5 to hit 2d10damage
Mike Ironstone is a rugged pilot and frontiersmen he has been through the outer planets for some time and has explored uncharted worlds with some success so far he has been lucky.
Captain Mike Ironstone
Vitality 70
Energy 90
Mental Status 60
Structure Points 90
MV 7 PT 7 PR 7
Weapon Laser pistol + 5 to hit 2d10damage
Mike Ironstone is a rugged pilot and frontiersmen he has been through the outer planets for some time and has explored uncharted worlds with some success so far he has been lucky.
Lieutenant Dave Jones
Vitality 70
Energy 80
Mental Status 50
Structure Points 80
MV 7 PT 7 PR 7
Weapon Laser pistol + 5 to hit 2d10damage
Lieutenant Dave Jones is a rugged pilot and frontiersmen he has been through the outer planets for some time and has explored uncharted worlds with some success so far he has been lucky.
Sergeant Engineer Mark Von
Vitality 70
Energy 90
Mental Status 80
Structure Points 90
MV 7 PT 7 PR 7
Weapon Laser pistol + 5 to hit 2d10damage
Sergeant Engineer Mark Von is a rugged frontiersman and engineer as well as geologist he has been through the outer planets for some time and has explored uncharted worlds with some success so far he has been lucky.
Dr. Kieth Sutton
Vitality 70
Energy 60
Mental Status 40
Structure Points 70
MV 7 PT 7 PR 7
Weapon Laser pistol + 5 to hit 2d10damage
Dr. Kieth Sutton is a rugged frontiersman and doctor of medicine an engineer as well as geologist he has been through the outer planets for some time and has explored uncharted worlds with some success so far he has been lucky.
Dr. Kieth Sutton
Vitality 70
Energy 60
Mental Status 40
Structure Points 70
MV 7 PT 7 PR 7
Weapon Laser pistol + 5 to hit 2d10damage
Dr. Kieth Sutton is a rugged frontiersman and doctor of medicine an engineer as well as geologist he has been through the outer planets for some time and has explored uncharted worlds with some success so far he has been lucky.
Nurse Sandra Cole
Vitality 70
Energy 70
Mental Status 90
Structure Points 90
MV 7 PT 7 PR 7
Weapon Laser pistol + 5 to hit 2d10damage
Laser Rifle +10 to hit 3d10 damage
Nurse Sandra Cole is a rugged frontiers woman and nurse of medicine an engineer as well as geologist she has been through the outer planets for some time and has explored uncharted worlds with some success so far she has been lucky.
Sergeant Engineer Mark Von
Vitality 70
Energy 90
Mental Status 80
Structure Points 90
MV 7 PT 7 PR 7
Weapon Laser pistol + 5 to hit 2d10damage
Sergeant Engineer Mark Von is a rugged frontiersman and engineer as well as geologist he has been through the outer planets for some time and has explored uncharted worlds with some success so far he has been lucky.
Robot Unit Troy 748 MTC Supplied
Vitality 70
Energy 90
Mental Status 30
Structure Points 90
MV 7 PT 7 PR 7
Weapon Laser beam in helmet unit +5 to hit 1d10damage
Defends ship while crew is away.
Robot Unit Troy 748 MTC Supplied is a rugged frontier robot programmed in medicine an engineering as well as geology it has been through the outer planets for some time and has explored uncharted worlds with some success so far it has been lucky.
Creatures and Monsters and aliens can be invented and discoverer
They can have some or all of the traits but they must have enough to make the game playable. They can use weapons such as teeth claws acid spays magic is not suggested in this outer space game but that is up to the referee. One should try to make it as much a simulation of a future exploration of the outer limits of space and the universe as possible without including magical influences, because this detracts from the real effort of the game. The game is to gather information how one would perform exploring distant worlds in as real case situations that might occur if you actual believe magic would be encountered perhaps you might put it in the game. In a way it is the magic of our imaginations that takes us into the game but in suspending our disbelief we must as logically progress in practically assume what would happen in a given condition given a situation. Our science still does not certainly even now a have all the answers to everything and in your game you can have fun exploring the answers to questions. About others and yourself and about how you face different situations.
Zathox soldier
Vitality 65
Energy 50
Mental Status 40
Structure Points 30
Laser rifle 3d10
Laser pistol 2d10
Above is an example of an alien monster the Zathox will never make peace they will be at constant war it is their nature they are monsters. They have blended with other worlds nearby their own however they have colonized worlds and suffered from over exposure to radiation. They were never human as some legends say…
The following is a Grid for one to place markers and of ships to play the game on. You can use dead reckoning or a protractor to determine turning ratios and speed of ships have fun.
The planets of the Out Land Map shows the distances in inter dimensional parsec units (IDPU) between the systems. It takes 1 week or 5 solar days to travel one IDPU. These distances can be used in the game to simulate a battle if you should chose.
Remember game time and real time is not the same so a week in the game can pass in seconds in real time and you can be playing with your ships on the grid right away. Lets make this clear for people playing the game there are turns rounds, rounds and turns all designed to break down game time into a playable manageable system you must establish these at the onset of the game so you can break down game time playable. However all action actual takes place in an imaginary world and not in the real one. Except hopefully in the positive lessons we learn and carry with us from day to day in our daily lives for being mindful of the people and being thankful for the beautiful world around us which is by far more comfortable then any found in the Out Lands. Referees take special note. One should always learn to be mindful of the passage of time and the importance of each moment the game is to be enjoyed it is for those who have the luxury of time to play. With little more then these few pages and a good imagination one can go anywhere in ones dreams.
The Planets of the Out Land
Trazog *
Gloth * *
2 Flox *
Poldos* Ovok*
3 7
C delta 5 *
Heloth *
Ilioth *
2 Jolock *
4 4 2 Glingzon * Nivoc*
.1 .2 .3 1
Kolock * 6 Logog * Mic *
8 5
Space of the Worms Zedlon Space
Keldor 8*
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Ship to Ship Combat in 128xJ11 Game
(This game works best with a Ref)
Station Zebrex10
Coeficient of Acceleration (CA) 1
Turning Rate (TR) 1
Weapons Range 10,000 km
Thunder Bolt Laser 20
Ion Jx3 Maser Beam Unit 7
10 Vesron 33J11 Rockets 5
5 Zortos 511A Torpedoes 10
2 robot ship probes 3 units of fuel range 2 quadrants
8 docking bays
4 shuttle and ship bay levels
Turning Ratio (TR) Coefficient of
Acceleration (CA)
Space station 160 spaceship structure points (ssp) TR 1 CA 1
Carriers 140 ssp TR 3 CA 2
Battleships 120 ssp TR 4 CA 2
Clippers 100 ssp TR 5 CA 7
Zephyrs *80 ssp TR 4 CA 5
Flight cruisers 60 ssp TR 4 CA 3
Fighters 40 ssp TR 4 CA 8
Sky cars 20 ssp TR 3 CA between3 and 1
*(Larger cargo ships trading ship passenger liners ect…)
Universal Rules of Engagement in outer space
1. Ships too distant to engage cannot engage in combat.
2. All ships even pirate and evil alien ships must identify themselves when called to do so over open space if able at all to communicate otherwise they must allow themselves to be destroyed or be taken prisoner.
3. All star ships will not fire on any other ship unless fired upon, unless an open state of war exists between pirates and evil space aliens.
4. All evil space alien and pirate vessels will break rule number 3
5. A starship is free to retreat when fired upon once out of a quadrant it is not a fair target.
6. Evil Space Aliens and pirates will take pot shots at star ships fleeing a quadrant.
Combat Sequence
Int Roll (1d100) Push the random number button on your calculator and multiply by 100 do this for side A and side B or as many sides as there are whichever side is higher gets the initiative and gets to go first. They will all go in order highest to the lowest in order of Initiative values no ties the first one to roll the number of a tie goes before the next.
Let say A comes up 77 and B comes up 35 A the side selects a defense or weapon from its page or sheet or card or whatever your keeping your records on. Then side A declares what other action he/she is taking.
Then side B selects a weapon or defense.
Then side B declares what other actions he/she is taking. Then side B declares what other action he/she is taking. Note to Refs You must resolve the modifiers between the defenses and the weapons if any and then push the random button on the calculator and multiplying by 100 again and if any hit there targets. Then you calculate the damage by pushing the button on your random calculator and multiplying by 10 and adding it together for as many times as the number before the d10 says.
Then you repeat into the next round until one or the other starship breaks off the attack or is destroyed or captured.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
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