Monday, December 6, 2010

Happy Holidays!

Merry Christmas Everyone, GOOD Cheer around the world! All the best and Peace on Earth and Good will to men! Happy Christmas to All! Enjoy the season and share the Joy! Of this one of the Grandest Birthdays of All! Everyone can enjoy it and share in it!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

This is not science fiction this is one of the prayers that are true!

St Dymphna’s

Dear St. Dymphna’s pray for us to God that we might be of sound mind, body and soul as we continue this day. Help us to find the truth by the light of Gods Grace and make us his instruments of mercy, faith, charity and above all Love.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The I

The Information that is given
Information is not Knowledge and Knowledge is not Wisdom. This system can give you information Knowledge and Wisdom you must obtain for your self.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Star Port Home edition

Star Port home edition
Molar Volume,Time, Space - distortion Link
The molar volume of a gas at 0 °C temperature and 101.325 kPa is 22.414 m³/kgmol.
grams.002205 to Pounds again we see the number repeated in nature. Then lastly it appeared in my own calculations. I am convinced that at approximately 2:20 pm a time distortion exist until 4 pm. Simple by energizing the right series of devices one can travel through both time and space. That a dimensional door is most likely to appear at that time of day. There are many dangers to this as it is untested. Do this at your own risk!

Monday, September 27, 2010

X7 Style

The style Of Xavier 7-1T
Of the ages and times and particular styles of science fiction this is no more then an attempt at a simple Space Opera were the reader is invited to participate fully in the game of invention and adventure to the fullest. Going to the last corner of the galaxy of the universe of their imagination within the limitations of the boundaries set only by themselves, except perhaps a few percentage point number rules to maintain balance. As it says on the cover of the book “X7Z6XPSRNC “It’s Science Fiction Man!” Xavier 7-1T” nothing states more clearly the intent of the book. True the stories do end abruptly, however this is intended to add to suspense and to add a degree of excitement to the book. Its your adventure as much as it is mine enjoy you are my readers. The best to you all as you adventure in the outer Space the frontier rim of the Outer planets the galaxy. The Utility crews will have the power on for you when you get home to earth hopefully and all will be well. Enjoy the book who knows maybe you could even get a job working on some kind of utility truck wouldn’t that be neat. Go for it! This jobs not for everyone of course.Love you all, Big hugs all around!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Dress UP Parties for Fall

Let hear it for Dress Up!
Have a Happy and safe Halloween this year. You might want to consider having a costume party, a little earlier in the year as the temperature always seems, to be colder on Halloween then any other day. So, plan ahead and have a party before hand it can be a lot of fun in the warmer weather, before it is so cold. You don’t have to dress, as evil monsters, all the time you can dress as your favorite super heroes for a change if you think about it. Or better yet a science fiction character! How about that! Big hugs all around, Love you all!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Into the Zone of Zones we go!

The Zone of Zones

Of the twilight of the sky in the dreams where things would not die and found ourselves
Left alone with another Rod of another age as we turn the page what will happen as they set the stage
Speed into this next new Zone of Zones! Rock n’ Roll!



Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Video Game Review

PS2 4 ½ Stars

Game Review
Review of Play station 2 (PS2) video game. The game was purchased at Best Buy by myself.
I brought my room mate Fred with along with me for the ride. He came with his cane into the store. We were obviously two older gentle men.
The young lady when she saw we were interested in a video game she appeared confounded.
“Anything like a 2600 machine or that type of video? Do you have something simple. What are you selling these days?”
That sent the young lady grabbing at her hair. She said she had nothing of that kind.
Then I simple said “what is your most inexpensive video game?”
She pointed to the Play Station 2 video game in a box. “It runs about $99.00” she said with a smile.
“Oh great I said but does it need a converter to hook up into a regular antenna connection I said like a 300 ohm?”
“I don’t know,” she said
“Well” I said “we only want the game if we can set it up with are TV in the kitchen you see and that has an antenna connection.”
Then she began to dart away.
“Where are you going I said?”
“Here talk to this guy!” She said
Then I was talking to the direct TV guy.
“How much are you currently paying now?” he questioned as if he already knew.
I tried to dodge the question.
“Its not bad price.”
“You know you could have a dish…”
“I live in an apartment”
“You could talk to the Land Lord he could put up a poll their might be others in the building who feel the same as you.”
“Well I don’t know how I feel.”
Just then the young Lady and the guy named Tom came back and Tom said
“This is what you need.”
Sure enough it was the converter.
Fred and I were very pleased. They did seem to be growing tired to my endless list of questions, yet still I had more as I did not want to make several trips to the store for a single video game.
“Does it come with two controllers?”
“There is only one in the box!” she said.
“So I added another controller to my collection.”
“The cords are they in the box that hook up to everything”
“Simple co axle” this information she knew well and was quite proud of herself.
Which I might say is no small feet for someone to remember working with so many products in a store.
Then it came down to Pick out the actual video game most of the video game seemed silly. Some seemed a down right deterrent to human growth and development such as “Grand Theft Auto” which I did not get. Instead, I thought I might get something that was educational and historically chronicling, so I purchased “Call to Duty” however the game is violent also and is some what negative in nature. At least in the little I gleaned playing the short amount of the game.
Set up of the game was complicated. The instructions were not that easy to understand. There were a lot of hidden costs. They failed to tell me about a memory card which I had to go back to another store and purchase to play the game. You can not really expect them to remember all that about every video game in the store. However, being a notaries one stop shopper that is hard to take in this world of super instant gratification. The game did prove of incredible worth however, when we were able to play the Three Stooges “Malice in the Palace” the black and white version was playing in are very own kitchen
Which Fred and I very much enjoyed it very much.

Signing off from Smoland


Sunday, July 25, 2010

My Generation

My Generation
The rules for traveling back in time the 60’s 70’s 80’s even the 1920’s and 1950’s or any other time are simple and going into outer space as well in the 128xj11 role playing game . You just create your characters and begin to generate your randomizations and your there! Of course your time machine has to be in working order what ever the device happens to be and you have to operate it correctly. Don’t forget there should be an adult monitoring. Have fun and remember “Your talking about my Generation Baby!”

Live, work, pray, schoolwork, play, role play 128xj11 “Get in the Game!”

Have fun, I love you all!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Teddy had a point here

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; because there is not effort without error and shortcomings; but who does actually strive to do the deed; who knows the great enthusiasm, the great devotion, who spends himself in a worthy cause, who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement and who at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly. So that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.”

Theodore Roosevelt

Thursday, July 22, 2010

On the subject of creation

On the subject of creation
In my opinion, and I know everyone has one of these so I will try to make mine brief. I believe God made Man separate from the animals special and apart, not like them any other way. He imparted him with a soul and put him in the Garden. That he did not evolve like the other animals of nature. To this he was created in the image and likeness of God. He can do all things with him who gives him strength. He is unstoppable and there is no obstacle we cannot over come. Let us make peace! Let us have strength! Let us Fight the enemies of human kind! Yes, sometimes man needs to ask direction about the obstacles the ladies have to ask direction at the gas stations. Some how we manage...

Saturday, July 17, 2010

The Type of Life

The type of Life we find in the dark of outer space may not be what we are looking for however. However we are still hoping to find it. It may be down right nasty and large like the type on the bottom of the ocean or even small on a microbiological scale that may not mean even then that it is so small that it could not present some danger to us on earth. However any discovery of life is of great interest in the study further study of science and proves we are not alone. The fossilized microbes in the meteorites from mars are just one example. We seldom even look up at the sky let alone study it these days, with our busy lives.
Have a great day. Love you all! Hope you find the life your looking for in your world where ever your looking for it and make it real for you. I hope you find your adventure and make it true and have fun doing it, what ever it is and make it good. May God bless love and keep you all and may he make the world better for us all. I hope the little escape helps a some little way.


Friday, July 16, 2010

Life in Dark Space

Life might exist in the dark of Outer Space
Life might be much closer then we originally imagined, because we imagined it took light for life to exist, however the life discovered on the bottom of the oceans of earth that lives on the heat from volcanic vents raises the possibility that life might exist in our own solar system in dark areas much closer to earth then we originally thought possible. Of course hope springs eternal..

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Video to View

NoFear 128

Stregnth in the Face of Fear 1912 and asking St Xavier for Help. Never give up Never surrender! go USA ! go USA !

I Love you all MJJM !

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy 4th of July

Have a Happy and safe 4th of July God Bless America God Bless the USA

Friday, June 18, 2010

Some more Formulas

Here’s some other formulas I thought of see what you think post a comment if you think my math was done right.
Gravity Wave Generation Formula

(f/w)E=mc^2(f/w) : w*(f/w)E=mc^2(f/w)*w : w*(f/w)E=mc^2(f/w)*w

: f * E = .05 * (3*10^8)^2*f:f= 1/4.5*10^15

: f = 2.2 * 10^-16

Solve for wave length using the normal formula

: wf = c

: 2.2 * 10^-16 * w = 3*10^8

: w= 3*10^8
________ : w = 1.3*10^24

2.2 ^-16

This is a formula to generate gravity waves.

: w= wavelength
f= frequency
E= Energy
c= speed of light


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Some Formulas

Some Formulas

This is just a Standard Formula I don’t think it really is so important

Here is a formula that I worked out I think it works pretty good see what you think.

---------- =1 This is incorrect actually it is still simply E=mc^2


E = Joules of energy
c=speed of light

This equation must be balanced it is not balanced naturally. Naturally the number of Joules can be adjusted easily if numbers are put in.
Well That formula was a little in correct.

(f/w)E=mc^2(f/w) Is more balanced and applies the feculences as the delta formulas were applied by Einstein himself. Of course this opens the question is to weather the universe is closed or open or not but I am oblivious to that "I am on a quest to Reach that unreachable star!"

It is just a theory this is of course a guess fwE =mc^2 like Einstein only a little different. You might want to test it f=mc^2/Ew

The quantum does pervades the relative and yes certainly there are instances where it appears all is relative however this is not always the case. The relationship between the wave and the frequency pervade the relative dynamic of the infrastructure of space time.

I am by no means a mathematician and these calculation are merely an feeble attempt at understanding.
Love to you all


Monday, May 31, 2010

For all those who Gave everything we remember you

For all those who Gave everything we remember you May Heaven speed them on a steady flight to a better place of rest so that these things not happen again. That peoples should not fight against there brothers rather be at peace with each other. Look to the fight that is real and not the one that is in your brothers and sisters on this world.

God bless The USA and all those who fought so I could write what I want to say!

Message Out...


Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Fall Guy with Lee Majors

That show the Fall Guy with Lee Majors in the 1980's was sure a great show if anyone knows were its playing on cable please post a comment and let me know. I sure would like to see that show again. It sure was allot of fun to watch it always was a thrill a minute. I don't think I apreciated it as much then as do now what they were talking about. And what it really ment to have some super heros win the day. Also I would like to see the A team brought back together. As he said "I love it when a plan comes together." If anyone knows were this is playing please post a comment.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Some Info to Gab About

Spring Meteorological Advisory Report
March 9, 2010
By MJJM According to World Alamanac
With Spring now approaching, it might be good to be aware of the types of warnings and alerts that are sometimes out there in the Spring. According to the World Almanac:

National Weather Services Types of Watches and Warnings
Severe Thunderstorm - A storm were strong rain is present and hail may become present,
Which appears on radar.
Tornado - A rotating cyclone which touches the ground which wind speed reaches at least 200 mphs

Cyclone - A rotating column of air which rotates counter clockwise in the northern hemisphere.

Tropical Storm - An atmospheric circulation of sustained surface winds of winds within the range of 34 to 63 knots (39 to 73mph)

Hurricane - A severe cyclone originating over the tropical ocean waters and having sustained surface winds of 64 knots (73mph) or higher.
Blizzard - a severe weather condition characterized by
Flood - Flooding takes many forms
National Weather Service Marine Warnings and Advisories
Small Craft Advisory - hazardous conditions exixt to small boats. Winds on the water are 18 to 33 knots
Gale Warning - when winds on water are 34 to47 knots
Storm Warning - when wind on water is 48 knots

My Theory
Mike Murtaugh
There have been many theories set forth about the universe however I find that the scientist when he has finally climbed the mountain of all his knowledgeable learning he will only find the theologian at the top of the mountain when he gets there. Don’t quote me on that because some one else said it but it is true enough. The truth is we don’t know how many multi dimensional planes may exist we don’t know if there might be nothing at all we have not been able to link relativity to quantum theory. We are almost as informed about the universe as the ancient Greeks might have been just taking our first fragile steps out into the cosmos. Yes our adventure is only just begun but what a grand one it will be our journey is not over it is just beginning we are making new steps of discovery everyday at this bright new age of discovery we will resolve these problems of this present day. We have always done because of human kinds resilient effort to reach for the divine and strive anew to do great things. We will do them the future is at our command we can make it happen with God nothing can be against us. The stars our in our reach and even they are not untouchable or unattainable for with God all things are possible! Who really wants to go to another planet any way there so far away! If anyone wants to volunteer let them go… Just remember it is not like a trip to the local Walgreen’s.

What is housed there? Residence want to know and have questions. How did the building get constructed? What was its original purpose? What is its Purpose now? Sorry to say this reporter has let you the reader down in that we don’t have allot of answers accept for these pictures taken by Anton W our photographer on his Camera phone.

The Sight
I stood on the bridge of the ship and looked out the window there in the parsec of Procyon 3 to see the vastness of the milky way galaxy it stars like a great pinwheel of lights dancing in the heavens stretching in an endless ocean of lights multi colored with gas and mist clouds shrouding some sections. Could I get where I needed to go I had come so far traveled so long my journey had yet only just begun. I felt for the laser pistol at my waist and it gave me a sense of security. “We come in peace, but we don’t want to be clipped just the same.” that’s the Motto of the Murtaugh Trading Company and it’s a pretty good one to.
There be pirates of every alien species and they hide in the outlands and in the rim of the frontier as Well as resistance from inter dimensional Sathar worms which attack sporadically at times. This is the frontier after people put their clothes back on after they got tired of looking for Sathar control devices. The new frontier were anything is possible even inter dimensional travel to a place called earth yes earth! How far to go now before the frontier is reached how for before I tie all the stories together to give them meaning I am your tour guide this has been the trip and a wild one it has been . Yes you want to know what happens when they return to C delta 5 and when the Zues 6 touches down on that planet filled with unknown life form. Well I will guide you to those places, but you have to come up with your own answers for its not certain its not in stone there are alternatives. Lets explore them together.

By Fred M.

Chicago Black Hawks won 4-2

The Black Hawks won a series against Van cover and next the go against the Sharks.

Del Negro was fired from the bulls after what was a so so season.

Sox won 5-1 against the royals in their game against the Royals.

And that’s sports….

A good Relapses Prevention Plan
By MJJM 3/30/10
In recovery we often don’t even like to mention the possibility of relapse so the idea of planning for one is really frightening. However the early signs of relapses are easy to spot. After years of sitting through groups everyone who is a client knows what these are called. Yet I will say what they are called here to make it clear they are called symptoms. So to make your relapse prevention plan (rpp) all you really need to do is know your symptoms and then find a good intervention that will work for you. You can make this a part of an advanced directive so you will receive better care if you should break down or have difficulty with any of your symptoms that are normally unmanageable. Medication alone is not the answer. Counseling alone is not the answer. A good (RPP) along with counseling and medication seems to be the best way so far to a good recovery. Sticking with a good program is also good. A good relapse prevention plan that list symptoms and intervention for early middle and crisis stages is a good example of a positive resolution to most outcome and scenarios and that’s what we are looking for when we are playing the game of worst case scenario.

Here is an example of what a relapse prevention plan might look like see if you can fill one in for your self.

Early Stage
Symptom Intervention
EG. Trouble Communicating A cup of tea in a well lit area.
Now you try
Early Stage
Symptom Intervention

Middle stage
Symptom Intervention

Crisis Stage
Symptom Intervention

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Experiment of the mind is true sci-fi

A Literary Expedition
A literary expedition is only so much of what makes its meaning worth while as the action of the endeavor if it is to communicate something timeless and meaningful. Given action sci fi adventures do not have much meaning, yet they give us cause to dream and escape like any great fairy tale ever did. This is where the Odyssey of the ages meets middle earth and it comes together as one great dream. Perhaps the greatest dream of all is that we could all live together. I believe in that dream. Lets Roll.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Time Traveler

For the Wood be Time traveler to Know… according to National Geographic Concise History of the world

Political power history at a Glace time line in the Americas

1200 BC the Olmec civilization was at its peak a complex is built at San Lorenzo.

400 BC Zapotec society develops in Mexico

500 AD Teotihuacan reaches height of influence

1050 AD Central Mexican groups invade Maya settlements

1500-1521 Spain conquers vast areas of Latin America including Aztec Empire

1775 -1783 American Revolution takes place

1910 - 1911 The Mexican revolution Occurs

1959 Castro install the first communist dictatorship in the West in Cuba.
The Cuban Missile Crisis occurs three years later.

P.S. For more information study your history books to learn more or other resources on the Internet learning can be fun when you are on an adventure and it can be a wonderful.