Tuesday, January 21, 2014

The Road a dream I had last night

Tuesday, January 21, 2014 8:29 AM


The Road

I had a dream last night. I was riding an Indian motorcycle bike at a slow but hurried pace. I was terribly lost. I was going to a hotel where the family was staying. I knew the hotel was nearby a Jewel food store. I was headed south. A large crowd was walking down the road. This disturbed me a bit but
I thought, "I will figure it out when the family is together at the hotel."
I past a Jewel food store however, I thought to myself, "That must not be it. It has been such a short way."

So, I road on past it.

After I past the Jewel food store. Something strange happened and I found myself in the Jewel parking lot at twilight. The bike was stalling out, but I managed to keep it going.. My brother in law Braven was dressed well as usual and was chasing me in the parking lot.

I thought, "That could be some one disguised as my brother in law. I had better get back on the road."

I heard him cry, "Your mother is worried about you, you past the hotel."

I thought, "It sounds like Braven!"

Yet then I said to myself, "It is a trick to get me off the road!"

So, I dashed away as he was about to catch me and I pulled back onto the road before an exhausted Braven could catch the sputtering motor cycle."

The motorcycle bike resumed normal power once on the road, I thought I saw, in the bike rearview mirror, Braven join the others on the road tired to be coming after me, but I thought, "Now that I am on the road I can’t let anyone catch me."

My brother in law is from Hawaii and I love him like a brother. I can not explain why I did not recognize him in the parking lot.

No one was stopping at any of the gas stations to get direction. I hardly noticed, until there were no gas stations and the area around the road began to look desolate. There had been many gas stations on the road they all had "out of gas" signs in their windows. I can not explain why the Indian motorcycle kept running.

I thought, "This is not right!" I kept going anyway

Once on the road something seemed to convince me I was headed the right direction. The road was well paved and it had whole lot of people on it yet it was wide enough so it did not seem that crowded. Many people were walking down it. A few vehicles were still rolling on it. No one was giving anyone any rides.

At one point or another the road began to get narrow and people were finding it harder to stick to it. It was getting darker it had been twilight on the road a long time. The twilight had seemed to last forever. This did seem odd.

The people walking seemed to look to me as a leader because I was on the bike. They asked, "When will we get back!" The people seemed to ask at once.

I shouted, "This is obviously not the right road. Down the road there must be an intersection or something where we can get our bearings. We will find it somewhere up ahead!" I shouted this with a silent prayer that we would find an intersection.

I shouted further " We must not pass the opportunity when we have it, remembering the gas stations from before.

The mood of the people on the road began to lighten and they started telling jokes and where more relaxed on the road it almost seemed as if the twilight became brighter.

Then we came to long tunnel on the road strangely it was still well lit, with streetlights inside. The mood was really lighting up now. The people came closer together in the tunnel but did not seem to mind the company.

At the other side of the tunnel it was daylight. We went al little ways and we found the intersection I had prayed for. It was a little disappointing to think I had such a long way back to find the hotel. I really did not want to get off the beaten path, yet I knew it was the only way to find the hotel.

"This is it!" I shouted

"This is it?" came back a question from the crowd


The other branch of road obviously continued south, and it was wide and winding, however the road-leading Northwest was narrow and straight.

"The angle is to steep, we will never get there." I heard a shout from the crowd

With that many followed down the road to the south.

"Now wait!" I shouted standing over the idling Indian motorcycle, but many ignored me and headed south.

"Does anyone have a map?!" I shouted, questioning at the same time!?"

With that many nodded negatively and headed south sown the road.

I prayed "God help me" this time out loud.

Then an odd thought Popped into my head "Sue Molholand Kainrath must have a map she has the Internet "

"Is Sue out there?!" I questioned and shouted, many in the crowd moved south at that.

I looked down the narrow road to the Northwest.
I thought to myself, "This could not possibly be the right direction to the hotel it sure is going to be a long way round, Yet Sue and Randy and their family must hold the key to what is down that road.
Yet I could see the narrow road to the northwest appeared straight not winding around like the one we where on.

"This narrow road at least appears to go somewhere!" I shouted

I turned up the accelerated on the Indian motorcycle engine and it was raring to go!

"This way!" I shouted

A few of the people on the road to the south must have felt the road to the Northwest was right to because I heard them shout
I thought I recognized Braven voice in the crowd.

With that the small group and I headed down the road leading Northwest.

"Everyone look for land marks" I shouted, "We must get our bearings!"

"At the first gas station we will get directions! We must not miss the opportunity!"

"Hurray" came up from the crowd once again, this time I was even more sure I heard Braven voice in the crowd.

I decided to drive my motorcycle more slowly so Braven could catch up to me.

I thought to myself, "This is the long way around to find the hotel where our family is at

Yet I know I will find it now."


With that I awoke in my bed safe and sound in my apartment.


The End




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