Thursday, August 28, 2014

Super Weapon M

Thursday, August 28, 2014


The Super Weapon

6am I had a dream.


It appeared to have all happened in Miami Florida, because we were all dressed in "Miami Vice" style clothes from that popular 1980’s Television show. I have never been to Miami Florida.

Only this was clearly not the 1980’s, yet some distant future we were yet all to know.

Anyway, there was a "night club" and a "band" that played the "night club" regularly.


I had a thing for the lady drummer in and vocalist in the "band" Lynn. In a similar way to the way I had a thing for the drummer in my brothers band in the 1980’s only this was not then. This was some distant future from 1980’s and we were all young again and handsome and beautiful again.

Anyway, we where in a small hotel room, near the "night club."

There was a type of weapon there. It looked like a M-60 machine gun only it was a ray gun of some type. It had to be set to fire on a target in coordinates of inter-dimensional space-time, There was a computer on the weapon to make targeting simple enough.

This was a little confusing though. "The Weapon," sat on a tripod by a cushioned recliner in the small hotel room.

Anyway the "super weapon" had been stolen by an "evil professor" and he had just been in the "night club" This was the same nightclub were Lynn and her new band were playing.

The other Guy and I, were waiting in the room hoping the professor was unaware of us and would return to his room and we could catch him with the stolen goods.

Namely the "Super Weapon" which I was now sitting next to in the cushioned seat of the recliner.

As I sat in that cushioned seat in that recliner in that hotel room. A few things were going through my brain, although it was a bit, blurry because I had imbibed a bit of alcohol earlier in the dream at the bar of the night club,

"How were we going to turn the super weapon over to evidence without wondering if we would be the next to disappear from inter-dimensional space. I mean I was not exactly on good terms with the guys and gals in the evidence impound, really I didn’t even know them."

This was going through my head when our trap was sprung. The professor came into the hotel and we had him cold.

He was the only guy dressed like a "Nerd"

"Easy to pick out"

"We got you now!" I said.

He laughed and said "Oh Yeah" and ran out the door of the small hotel room.


I knew were he was going "Lynn’s" Cadillac.

The professor was thinking he would make a smooth get away.

What he did not know was Lynn was an old friend of mine and I had her number.

So I called her and said, "Tell the professor I will use the super weapon on him if he does not come back."

Lynn said "O.K"

The professor replied over the speakerphone in Lynn’s Cadillac, ""you are bluffing"

"Oh Yeah," I said, as I set the coordinates on the super weapon to a fire hydrant next to Lynn’s Cadillac.

I pulled the trigger on and the hydrant disappeared and a spring of water shot up next to the Lynn’s Cadillac, in the street.

"O.k… Ok." The professor said over Lynn’s speakerphone, "I am coming back"


Then the professor came back to the small hotel room with Lynn and just about everyone else who wanted to see what the super weapon looked like from the night club.

When professor came back to the small hotel room and saw the weapon he tried to run away. Well at least I thought he was running away. I said, "He is getting away."

Everyone in the room did a kind of dance. Then the professor dashed into the hotel room bathroom and the other Guy hand cuffed the professor in there.

Then Lynn came real close wearing her party dress.

"Now what are we going to do with this?"

I looked into her eyes and she looked back at mine and we just laughed.


Then I woke up.


6;33 am 8-28-14 2100 Lilac lane apt 203, Aurora Il 60506 87 W 42 N 75’ H Lol



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